The Benefits of Going Mobile for Realtors

real3It’s no secret that the overwhelming majority of property searches are now done online, but did you know that, in 2012, nearly a fifth of those searches were done on a mobile device? Mobile searching activity also quadrupled, which means that by 2014, mobile searching will overtake desktop searching.

In short, mobile use is exploding (especially among younger users, the next wave of home buyers). Mobile may not be the biggest slice of the pie today, but it will be soon. Those who learn how to use it sooner, rather than later, will be poised to dominate the competition going forward, while those who don’t will be scrambling to catch up.

So, how can realtors take advantage of these mobile trends? There are many ways.

Perhaps the most cost-effective and obvious is to make use of the leading property databases, like Zillow and Trulia, when putting listings online. Both offer apps (check them out here and here, respectively) that are smooth and feature-rich, and that provide the greatest chance for your properties to show up in searches and generate buyer interest.

But mobile isn’t just for listings. Self-promotion can also be a profitable way to capitalize on mobile trends. The specific strategies to pursue will depend largely on whether you are part of an agency that already handles online marketing, or not. For independent agents, however, this advice is most important. While bus-station bench ads may be tried and true, it’s critical not to ignore the ways in which mobile marketing can help you advance your business.

The first method is mobile app development. If placed on the right platforms, apps can result in increased leads and revenue, as buyers see your information while browsing on their devices. QR Codes can also be effective, especially if prompted by users. For example, the traditional “For Sale” sign can be supplemented with a call to action to scan a QR code to download a mobile app for more info on the house. Respondents get valuable info, and you can follow up with them later to either generate interest in your listing, or to get hired as a broker for that buyer (in the event they don’t already have a broker).

Skeptical? Well, in a recent poll, 68% of respondents stated they reached out to a broker they found during a mobile search. If you’re not active on mobile, you could be missing out on a wide variety of opportunities. Get started with a Real Estate App now, and thank us later.